Tu Voz Chatbot is a bot (robot) that uses Whatsapp as a platform for interaction with users who wish to receive information offered by Monte Carlo TV SA and services offered by other companies, institutions and programs.
Acknowledgement and disclaimer. By using this messaging service, the User is consenting to the release of all liability and claims with respect to eventual consequences resulting from the use made of the information and/or services provided by the companies and organizations mentioned below:
Monte Carlo TV SA
Canal 4
Asociación Uruguaya de Counselors
Pyxis SA
Kybalion SRL (IDATHA)
The User assumes full responsibility for allowing access to third parties to their Whastapp session, releasing the above mentioned companies from any liability for misuse. The User declares to know and accept that, by the very nature of the services provided through the Internet, these are subject to the availability, restrictions of use and limitations of the Internet, as well as other external factors, and therefore releases the above mentioned companies from any liability for damages that may arise from such event.
Personal Data. The information provided by the User will be used for registration in the Service and/or to contact him/her directly, if applicable. Thus, the User expressly and unequivocally authorizes that: 1. such information be used for the purpose of the consultations made in Tu Voz; and 2. that it be shared and/or stored in the database and computer systems of Pyxis S.A., as well as its related companies or third parties with which they maintain a contractual relationship, to perform any of the services related to the purpose established through Tu Voz.
About Whatsapp. The User declares to know and accepts that the terms of use and privacy policies of Whatsapp will be applicable, as varied by Facebook from time to time, according to which Facebook will give certain treatment to your information.
With a 360° potential, our solutions matrix accompanies the lifecycle of any project, with skills and experience in Development, Design, Q&A, Devops, Operation & Deploy, and Architecture