Formalising a Gateway-based Blockchain Interoperability Solution with Event-B

In recent years, multiple solutions have been proposed for blockchain interoperability. However, designing these solutions is complex, and design failures have caused great economic damage [...]

Green Software, what experience do we have?

Adopting innovative initiatives that seek a positive environmental impact is a challenge. To better understand this trend, we spoke with Lucía Bouza, collaborator and researcher [...]

Blockchain interoperability patterns

This article belongs to a series of articles that describe blockchain interoperability patterns for the development of custom blockchain interoperability solutions. Design patterns are best practices [...]

Lego’s eco dilemma: giant leaps in educating its customers

In a world where digital consumption is skyrocketing, the environmental impact of our online activities often goes unnoticed. Amidst the buzz of digital transformation, several [...]

10 Game-changing Initiatives for Sustainable e-Commerce

(Collaboration between Pyxis Tech and Nembrini Consulting) In an era where conscious consumerism reigns supreme, the e-Commerce landscape is evolving. Sustainability isn't just a buzzword; It's [...]

Sustainability in E-Commerce

In recent years, sustainability has become a buzzing topic in the realm of e-commerce, capturing the attention of businesses and consumers alike. But what exactly [...]

How to prevent and defend against Ransomware attacks?

Introduction Ransomware is one of the types of cyber-attacks that directly targets the infrastructure and information storage of Organizations; it is currently booming but is a [...]

How IDATHA is helping businesses achieve success…

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way businesses operate, enabling them to boost efficiency, save time, and reduce manual labor costs. At IDATHA, the AI [...]

Thesis of a decision-making model

The Research programme seeks synergy between Pyxis and Academia with the aim of co-constructing knowledge. On this occasion, we talked to Juan Domínguez and Mariano [...]