In recent years, multiple solutions have been proposed for blockchain interoperability. However, designing these solutions is complex, and design failures have caused great economic damage [...]
This article belongs to a series of articles that describe blockchain interoperability patterns for the development of custom blockchain interoperability solutions. Design patterns are best practices [...]
[:es]En momentos de cambio de mando, Pyxis se reafirma en el objetivo de integrar el modelo disruptivo inicial de crecimiento en base a la sinergia [...]
The "+50 Program" of Pyxis has been providing tools to people of this age who are seeking to reinsert themselves in the labor market for [...]
Reflections on the challenges faced by entrepreneurs. Interview with Diego Sastre, one of the founders of the Uruguayan company Pyxis. [...]
[:es]PYXIS; ecosistema tecnológico que pone a América Latina y a sus clientes globales un paso por delante.[:en]Pyxis Tech Ecosystem that Puts Latin America and Their [...]
A new technology hub for innovation Machine Learning and AI. Watch this incredible success story that covers different continents, clients, cultures and is made possible [...]
Pyxis y EDHUCA te invitan a participar de una dance meditation el viernes 29 de enero de 19 a 20 hs. El evento se transmitirá [...]