Pyxis has joined the United Nations Global Compact in Uruguay

In a letter sent and approved by the international organization, Pyxis assumed the commitment to be a part of the Board of Directors of this [...]

Pyxis Happy Day in solidarity auction format

Every year our Pyxian Social Responsibility team organizes a day of solidarity with the aim of sharing some time together and collaborating with a person [...]

«Chatting with», solidarity talks

In the context of the pandemic, and with the premise of sharing knowledge with a focus on those people who are unemployed and have an [...]

¡Postulate al +50!

[:es] Si tenés más de 45 años, tuviste alguna experiencia en el rubro tecnológico pero por algún motivo te desvinculaste y te gustaría reincorporarte, este programa [...]

Basura Cero cumple 3 años

[:es]En el marco del proceso de Responsabilidad Social Pyxiana, en 2016 decidimos emprender esta causa. ¿El objetivo? Clasificar el 100% y reciclar más del 80% [...]